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Do’s and Don’ts for Selecting the Best CRM Software for Your Business

Do’s and Don’ts for Selecting the Best CRM Software for Your Business Choosing the right CRM software is vital for building strong customer relationships and driving your business forward. At Plego, we get it—picking the…

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Machine Learning in E-Commerce: 12 Ways to Boost the Online Shopping Experiences

Table of Contents Introduction Technological innovations are rapidly revolutionizing the digital landscape, intensifying competition with each passing day. Therefore, embracing the growing technology is now a core element in enhancing customer experience. One such innovation is machine…

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How to Leverage ChatGPT-Assisted Coding: Unleashing the Potential

How to Leverage ChatGPT-Assisted Coding: Unleashing the Potential Table of Contents Introduction What is ChatGPT-Assisted Coding? How to Leverage ChatGPT-Assisted Coding: A Game-Changer for Developers Natural Language Coding Assist in Bug finding and debugging Take…

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AI-powered Tools for Debugging and Testing in Software Development – A Complete Guide

AI-powered Tools for Debugging and Testing in Software Development – A Complete Guide Software development is an intricate, ever-evolving craft that hinges on precision and reliability. The success of any software project, whether it’s a…

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Choosing Between Web, Mobile, and Hybrid Apps: Essential Do’s and Don’ts

Choosing Between Web, Mobile, and Hybrid Apps: Essential Do’s and Don’ts Choosing the right type of app can make a big difference for your business. At Pelgo, we’re here to help you navigate this important…

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The Manifest Hails Plego Technologies as Chicago’s Most Reviewed B2B Partner for 2024

The Manifest Hails Plego Technologies as Chicago’s Most Reviewed B2B Partner for 2024 Established in 2002, Plego Technologies is a tried and tested award-winning custom development agency that specializes in a vast array of services.…

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DesignRush Names Plego a Top Web, Mobile And Software Development Agency

DesignRush Names Plego a Top Web, Mobile, And Software Development Agency For seventeen years of high-quality and affordable web, mobile and software development services, Plego Technologies has been recognized as one of the Top Illinois…

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6 Principles of Modern Web Application Development for 2024

6 Principles of Modern Web Application Development for 2024 The key to success in any industry is staying on top of trends and challenges and finding new ways for the company or business unit’s offerings.…

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Top 11 Python Frameworks for Web Development In 2024

“Python, the programming language that takes 28.3% of its market share,” according to the Popularity of Programming Language Index, is also ranked top among other languages.

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Best CMS in 2022 – Content Management System Cage Match

Best CMS in 2022 – Content Management System Cage Match Finding the right CMS to power your website is both a personal and professional decision, and there are a lot of options out there. Luckily,…

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All of our services follow the same thorough development life cycle. Our business analysts work with you to determine what type of solution you need. They will determine the core functionalities, components and software technologies that need to be implemented in order to meet the requirements set forth by your company.