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Modern, Professional and Elegant Website Designs


Vertex – WordPress (Divi)

Client Profile

Vertex Energy, established in 2009, is an energy company focused on Africa. They aim to provide planet-friendly energy from various sources, not just oil and gas. Their mission is to acquire renewable energy assets and invest in decarbonization to offer affordable, secure, and low-to-zero carbon energy for Africa.

Client Industry

Oil & Gas

Business Challenges

Vertex Energy faced challenges in effectively communicating their sustainability focus and maintaining consistent branding offline.
They were looking for a solution to:

  • Increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience, including customers, investors, and partners.
  • Showcase sustainability initiatives and interact with customers through different channels.
  • Publish and update information about their products, services, and sustainability practices for easy access.
  • Highlight their initiatives, success stories, and transparency in environmental practices, establishing themselves as leaders in sustainable practices within the oil and gas industry.
  • Solution

    To address the challenges and find solutions, Vertex Energy partnered with Plego to create their website.
    The site comes with the following solutions:

    • Logo and Branding
      Plego helped Vertex Energy in designing a professional logo and creating a consistent branding strategy that aligns with their sustainability focus. This ensured a strong visual identity for the company.

    • Theme Selection:
      Plego assisted Vertex Energy in selecting a theme that reflects their values and sustainability goals. They chose a theme that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and customizable to suit Vertex Energy’s unique requirements.
    • Compelling Layouts
      We worked with Vertex Energy to develop compelling website layouts that effectively communicate story of their sustainability initiatives. We created visually engaging sections and intuitive navigation to enhance the user experience.

    • Content Development:
      Our team developed clear and compelling messaging for their website while transforming their content into captivating storytelling tabs that not only resonate with the target audience but also highlight the company’s strong commitment to sustainability within the oil and gas industry.


    Discover the power of Vertex Energy’s sustainable transitional banners, thoughtfully crafted to embrace the essence of sustainability.

    Experience the compelling portrayal of what sets Vetex apart from the rest. The unique section showcases the distinctiveness that defines them among other companies.

    We crafted the layout to perfectly resonate with their mission and tell their inspiring story.

    The thumbnail in this section symbolizes related news, while the footer brilliantly encapsulates their message.

    About Us

    A concise summary in a nutshell showcasing comprehensive information through interactive tabs with a captivating hover style.

    The following section captures user attention with three captivating containers, each beautifully designed to define Mission, Vision, and Values in an impactful manner.


    The section follows a carefully planned timeline to ensure a smooth and engaging experience.

    Business Areas

    Page showcasing 3 service lines, each with an engaging header, thumbnail image, and click-triggered hover effect for easy redirection.

    Vertex Oil & Gas

    Their premier service lines are presented with three informative containers. Each container features a thumbnail, a compelling title and concised content with expandable button.

    We creatively crafted layout of their service line, seamlessly aligning Vertex portfolio with ambitious climate goals.

    VE Services

    The second service line, thoughtfully designed to efficiently contain everything within a compact section.

    Low Carbon

    Their third service line is thoughtfully designed, weaving a complete storyline through enticing expandable tabs that invite users to explore further.


    Our Philosophy

    Embodying the ideology of Vertex, this section is artistically presented with a symbolic images.

    The captivating layout, unfolding the story through small containers that elegantly expand with a hover effect.


    A section thoughtfully designed with a backdrop of a healthy planet image, showcasing Vertex Energy’s commitment to emissions reductions, capacity building, and waste reduction.


    This section conveys Vertex’s mission of creating sustainable impact and prosperity, complemented by their remarkable achievements.


    The simple yet enticing section highlights why Vertex is an exceptional choice for employees.


    Stay informed with their updated News section, featuring engaging thumbnails, titles, and clickable hyperlinks that take you directly to the full stories.

    Contact Us

    Visitors can reach out easily through user-friendly section, offering input fields for inquiries, address, and a map for users convenience.

    Technologies Used

    WordPress (Divi)

    Services Provided

    Website Design & Development